News and Updates

twitter account
05 Aug 2009

I finally signed up on twitter several weeks ago. Most urgent (and random too...) updates will go there. If there exists someone who follows xnet updates, it will be much easier to stalk them on twitter, since I'm such an evil person and don't have rss feed here.

Dhuaine Kyerlinn
Fanlistings Update
23 May 2009

Several days ago dear Akasha sent me old members list for Fanfiction: Adult fanlisting. After successful conversion and import, it promptly skewed all stats on that site and the collective. Now the members of FF: Adult constitute 84.68% of my total member count. Peachy.

I was approved for Landscapes! I couldn't believe it. Well, month ago I decided that I will do Flash if I get approved for either Landscapes or Originality. I didn't get Originality, but Landscapes will have different skins, Flash and JS included. Right now the default one is plain xhtml/css because it needs to be accessible for anyone.

Upcoming fanlistings:
- Notebooks [Objects]

Dhuaine Kyerlinn
Easter break April 10th-14th
09 Apr 2009

I'm going to visit my grandma tomorrow (or today) and will remain offline till Tuesday, April 14th (or Wednesday, April 15th in worst case).

I have been swamped with work recently. I'll try to reply to all e-mails, affiliate requests, LJ messages, dA messages, etc today. I'm sorry for the lateness... but some projects and assignments had to go first.

Merry Easter :)

Dhuaine Kyerlinn
Smoky Quartz FL
16 Mar 2009

I finally finished fanlisting for Smoky Quartz, one of my favorite gemstones. This time, the layout employs two elements of my fave design method of late: horizontal strip as well as vertical strip. Don't ask. At least the color palette is not typical for me. Anyway, I think this layout worked out better than one on Photomanipulation fanlisting, which was a kind of prototype to these strips. Smoky Quartz layout mixes vintage hues and ornamental decor with modern fonts and format, and I'm rather proud of it.
No more upcoming fanlistings.

Dhuaine Kyerlinn
hardcore experience
09 Mar 2009

Two words: insanely happy.
Fanfiction: Adult has been one of my major wishlisters ever since I got into fanfiction world. I was never fond of fluff; dark/crude/violent and kinky were always my preference when it came to reading fiction - proudly presented to you, hardcore experience.
Unfortunately, I didn't have much time in previous three weeks, so I had to settle with generic kind of layout. Grayscale plus red theme suits the topic perfectly, but I wanted something more... specific. Oh well, a second skin might be coming in the future.

Dhuaine Kyerlinn

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